Friday, May 16, 2008

Chris Matthews schools Kevin James

Papa showed me a clip that we laughed long and hard about. About which we laughed long and hard, to you proper English folks.

Papa and I don't usually watch Chris Matthews, mostly because we get our fill of yelling from our kids. ;) But this video is absolutely *priceless*. Chris Matthews reveals Kevin James (this one, not this one) to be the total ignorant creep he is.

The video pretty much speaks for itself, but a couple things to point out.

Papa and I identified this guy as a total jerk the minute he was introduced. He gave me the visceral reaction of wanting to hit him. It happens every time I see Carson Daly, too.

Also, I think some people are missing the main point. Certainly James is. I can understand not knowing off the top of one's head what it was exactly that Chamberlin did. But don't go on national TV and agree emphatically and blindly with someone. *That* is the ridiculousness of his behavior, I think. That is where the Bush-ites go so wrong. They fail to look at things objectively.

Well, we all must sacrifice in time of war

Bush recently said that he gave up golf for the troops.

Good night! What a sacrifice! American soldiers have given the token gesture of years of service, and in some cases their lives. Seems rather a petty comparison, when placed in the light of our President giving up a game.

Secular homeschooling

I recently was directed to this essay, titled The Bitter Homeschooler's Wishlist.

It's interesting, because I don't consider myself to be bitter. Jaded - yes. Bitter - not so much. But maybe I am. Because I can totally relate to just about everything on the list.

So I went about perusing the rest of the site. And can I just say, I *so* want a subscription to this magazine!

There is another great article about the discrimination homeschoolers face. We often have our rights dismissed, or are forced to validate ourselves to "officials" - and for that matter, busy-bodies.