Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My very first blog post

Well, I guess I'm bowing to cyber pressure. It seems everyone is doing a blog. Even my poor husband, who rarely gets enough time to sleep.

If you are reading this, you probably know me, at least a little. But if for some bizarre reason you have found yourself here, let me tell you a little about me. :)

My dh is a full time law student. He is in his second of six semesters at the University of Minnesota. He is thriving with the challenge and loves his studies.

We have a gang of 5 kids and find them to be worth having around. Usually.

Skater Chick is 12 and the only publicly schooled kid in the house. Half Pint is 9 and is the second mommy around here. Sweet cheeks is almost 7 and is a hopeless bookworm. Little Fella is 3 and a half and well.... himself. Mootsie is our caboose. At one and a half, she rules the roost with a pudgy fist.

In my spare time, I like to read, spend time with my engaging, sexy husband, do craft projects, and hang out with my entertaining kids.


Regina said...

Wonderful start. It's fun huh? Now if we can just keep up with them. I created mine today so our blogs share a birthday!

Regina from LDFR

Anon said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

I like your writing style too - it will keep people reading.

Teresa said...

Congratulations on your first blog post, Christine! I hope that blogging becomes a wonderful, creative outlet for you. I look forward to reading more!

Shelly said...

What a great start!

Shelly aka Michelle2

22Red said...

Hello, Christine--
I'm having fun spending my LDFR time looking at the blogs . . .
This is a sweet site, and I LOVE your comments about Lent--TOO appropriate for the upper Midwest--