Saturday, March 1, 2008

Speak Reddenese?

Okay, let me preface this with the fact that some may find this nauseating. And others may be shaking their heads at the seeming lack of language development concern that Papa and I have.

But we speak Reddenese. You could also call it Reddenish.

Each of our kids have their own dialect and have contributed to the vernacular.

It all started with Skater Chick. Since she was our first, and naturally on the smart side, she said most of her words flawlessly. Except water. Papa spent shameful amounts of time trying to make her say water. She said Mahcose© * Said ma, like mama, and cose, like sucrose, lactose, fructose, etc.

Anyway, Papa was much more persistent than I. He had frequent conversations with her that went like this:

Papa: Say "wa"

Skater Chick: wa

Papa: Good. Now say "ter".

Skater Chick: ter

Papa: Okay. Now together. Say "water"

Skater Chick: Mahcose.

Papa slaps hand to forehead and tries again. And again. And again. He's not a quitter, I'll give him that.

Then one day, Skater chick and I are driving around. She's talking about something, then BAM! pulls a complete non sequitur. Says she, "Uncle Crusty (a pseudonym) says it's said water, so I'm going to say water from now on."

And that was the end of it. Or it could have been. But Papa and I think it's cute. So sometimes we use it. After all, we *are* fluent speakers of Reddenese.

*Skater Chick said mahcose is a copyrighted term and cannot be used without her permission. I do not have her permission, but since she is a minor, her property is mine, unless she takes me to court and challenges it. And frankly, I don't think her argument against me would hold much mahcose.

1 comment:

Papa Redden said...

Tan I have a Bam Cacker?