Saturday, March 1, 2008



I really wanted to be dedicated and successful. My sister has been doing Lent for the past couple years and she told me it was a very spiritual act. I was game. Mormons (which I am) don't usually practice Lent. But I felt like I needed to gain control of my natural man and I like the idea of Lent and the potential it has to draw me closer to my Savior. I decided to give up chocolate, caffeine, and processed food (no white flour, pasta, sugar, etc.).

And I did really well. For about 10 days. Whoever decided to have Valentine's Day during Lent, anyway?! I'm an all-or-nothing type gal. It's been very hard for me to get back on track. Especially since I got a *horrible* case of the flu. I have a firm delusion that chocolate is a miracle cure. It at least helped me feel better about the oh-my-gosh-just-put-me-out-of-my-misery sensations I was having. Now, I'm pretty much over the flu, although I still hack like I've smoked a carton a day since I was 5.

But it's my birthday. Or it was this week and we were all too sick to celebrate properly. So, I have a huge chocolate cake with cream cheese mousse filling from Costco waiting for tonight's celebration.

Maybe I can practice Lent this year on my own terms. Maybe I can start over with the Greek Orthodox calendar on March 10. I don't think I want to give up quite yet. A fellow homeschooling friend wrote this article. And I think if I get nothing else out of Lent this year, applying this wisdom will be worth giving up chocolate over Easter. I think.

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