Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Five Senses

We are homeschoolers, as probably everyone who reads this blog knows. I recently decided to start a Science unit on the body/biology. We had been doing science experiments and learning terminology, but I felt we needed a more concrete goal. One of the advantages of homeschool is I can do that. :o)

The first thing we are going to study is the five senses. I set up posters in our dining room, as that is where we do most of our schoolwork. When the missionaries came over to eat a week ago, I noticed one of them looking at them with curiosity. (tee-hee) I ordered some new books to supplement what I already had and ordered a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. The books and other tools will come in handy for other biology units, also.

Yesterday, I went to explain to them the five senses and introduce the topic. Turns out they learned all about the five senses off of "The Big, Big World", a show on PBS. So yesterday was a pretty easy lesson. ;o)

Today, we are going to learn about sound. I found this activity that I thought would be fun. I still haven't packed away the Easter eggs yet, so for once procrastination saves the day. :o)

I created a worksheet for them to fill out, and when Papa gets home I'll see if there is a way to link it. For now, here's a description. There are two rows of three eggs at the top of the page. Under the eggs is a list of the things that are in the eggs, written in no particular order. After I printed them, I wrote numbers one through six in each of the eggs. Little Fella's paper had the numbers in order, the other two were random.

They will shake the eggs, which have been labeled one through six, and will determine which item is in which egg. Then they will match it up on their papers. The older two will also alphabetize the list. Two birds with one stone.

This website looks like it has a lot to offer. And I'm also going to go pick up The Story of My Life as soon as I get done posting this. We'll be implementing this unit study as well.


The Story of My Life is too advanced for the kids. So instead we are reading Dear Dr. Bell.... Your Friend, Helen Keller. I already had that at home, which is good, as I didn't bother to look over the autobiography until I got home.

We also went over the anatomy of the ear. The kids thought it was really interesting.

Little Fella did a great job drawing lines from the words to the right eggs and I couldn't believe how fast Half Pint was able to alphabetize her list. I'm horrible at alphabetization.

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